
About Touch ESA

It is our top priority to help people suffering from anxiety, chronic stress or depression obtain a recommendation from a licensed psychologist for an emotional support animal. Recommendations enable these individuals to travel with their pets and get approved for rental residences. Our exam was written by a psychologist to help determine your need for an ESA letter and every letter is required to be approved and filed by a licensed psychologist. We are dedicated to improving our patients’ lives by easing their stress through emotional support animals.
KEEPING YOUR FAMILY TOGETHER Your pet is more than an animal, they are your family. An ESA letter ensures that you can live and travel with your best friend- no questions asked.
Not only do we pride ourselves in putting animals in happy and healthy homes, but we also value your credit score and rental history! Do not be the individual that gets an eviction notice for having a pet because you did not take the time to go through our simple online ESA approval process. Instead of allowing landlords or property management companies to define where you cannot live, let Touch ESA tell them where you can, by making your rental living pet friendly!
NO MORE HIGH FEE’S ESA letters protect against unfair fee’s that property managers/ landlords and airlines want to charge. You will no longer be penalized for your mental condition.
Our Team

WordPress Dev

Lucy Evelyn
Ui/UX Designer

Charlie Cooper
WordPress Dev

Elizabeth Sofia
Front-End Dev